IAQ Solutions Building Readiness

Adhering to ASHRAE recommended guidelines and air cleaning devices, Daikin Applied and American Air Filter (AAF) are teaming up with design engineers, service contractors, and facility managers to make an important contribution in promoting better indoor air quality. Daikin Applied and AAF have an unbeatable combination of ventilation and filtration knowledge to help you enhance strategies and solutions for your building’s HVAC systems. Engage our team of advisors to evaluate your specific needs, and work through potential system enhancements to help improve your building’s air quality.

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Air Filtration

A comprehensive analysis of your building filtration strategy can guide you to implement measures that lead to cleaner, healthier air. According to ASHRAE, “the use of highly efficient particle filtration in centralized HVAC systems reduces the airborne load of infectious particles.” Filtration will not eliminate all risk of transmission because there are many other factors. However, making the step to MERV 13 filters, or the highest achievable air filter, may reduce the transport of infectious aerosols. Increasing filtration could result in additional stress on your supply fan and potentially lead to higher energy cost. Partnering with Daikin and AAF can help you evaluate your current system and avoid future issues from increased filtration.


Air Cycling

Our IAQ advisors can also help you develop a strategy to conduct a building purge at the optimal temperature and humidity levels, based on time of day and outdoor air conditions. This allows for more air exchanges, as recommended by ASHRAE, and helps to keep the cost of cycling in clean air to a minimum. ASHRAE also recommends operating the HVAC systems with maximum outside airflows for two hours before and after occupied times.

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Increased outdoor air ventilation, maintaining temperature and humidity, and keeping systems running longer are ASHRAE’s cornerstone recommendations to improve indoor air quality. Increasing ventilation will certainly influence energy cost, and temperature/humidity control will vary based on geographic location as well as your building needs. Let our IAQ advisors help you assess your system’s capabilities before you make any major investments in HVAC systems or complicated BAS monitoring.

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