Drive P.U.E. and Uptime
Every drop of power used for data center cooling can mean millions of dollars in savings across an enterprise.
Daikin’s innovative integrated water-side economizer (WSE) technology (i.e., free cooling) reduces operating expenses by allowing the cooling system to preclude use of the compressor when outdoor air temperatures are lower than the cooling fluid
temperature. With variable volume ratio (VVR®) compression technology, the compressor “senses” cooling needs and adjusts the compression ratio automatically to provide optimal efficiency at any operating condition —
that means lower energy use and a lower carbon footprint. With compressor start and loading times that are twice as fast as standard HVAC units, Daikin air-cooled chillers with RapidRestore® technology bring peace of mind during a critical
power loss, restarting the chiller in as little as 35 seconds after power is restored.
A redundant, robust and intelligent data center cooling system is essential in mission critical applications, as is efficiency that allows a fast payback. Rely on Daikin to help you strike that balance with advanced technologies and scalable configurations.
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